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Penetrating Oil

Pen­e­trat­ing Oil rapidly dis­places mois­ture, lubri­cates, cleans, pen­e­trates and stops cor­ro­sion on all met­als. It reduces your main­te­nance time. Our anti-wear extreme pres­sure lubri­cat­ing film will never harden and is low in tox­i­c­ity. Cer­tain types of plas­tics and painted sur­faces may be softened.

Why was PENETRATING OIL developed?

DAC’s PENETRATING OIL was for­mu­lated to pro­vide you with pre­mium per­for­mance, along with an anti-wear pack­age that will lubri­cate bet­ter than the competition

Pricing is per case (12 cans of product in each case) 


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