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Universal Degreaser II

DAC-353 was devel­oped to offer much more than just a degreaser. It is a chlo­ri­ne-free sol­vent degreaser that pro­vides pro­fes­sional users with excel­lent grease and oil removal, plas­tic build-up removal and rust inhibitor removal.

Uni­ver­sal II All Pur­pose Degreaser has unique ion dis­burse­ment capa­bil­i­ties pro­vid­ing rapid clean­ing and degreas­ing along with removal of body oils and fin­ger­prints, to allow supe­rior appli­ca­tion of plat­ing agents and lubri­cants. Uni­ver­sal II All Pur­pose Degreaser’s all posi­tion spray with pin­point action pro­vides ver­sa­til­ity and pre­cise spray for those hard to get areas.

Our unique degreasing formulas have dispersing agents that lift and move contamination out and off of microscopic pores, ensuring that oil and grease will not re-contaminate the mold surface.

For an exceptional 1-2 punch that cleans the dirtiest molds, combine the DAC-353 Universal II All Purpose Degreaser with DAC-104 All Purpose Foam.  DAC-104 breaks down resins, dirt and rust with ease.  Then following up with spraying the mold surface with DAC-353 ensures that all contamination has been flushed off of the surface.

DAC-353 is also NSF certified.  What this means to you and your customers is that by using DAC-353 Universal II All Purpose Degreaser uses only FDA approved raw materials, has passed numerous NSF testing for material safety, design, construction, and product performance and won’t seep into and contaminate products.

Pricing is per case (12 cans of product in each case) 

SDS English