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Die Lube

Die Lube 2000 was cre­ated for appli­ca­tions that demand a high level of lubri­ca­tion under extreme con­di­tions. Die Lube 2000 was designed to pro­vide excel­lent lubri­ca­tion with a dry film for­mu­la­tion. The active ingre­di­ents will adhere to metal, main­tain­ing a durable coat­ing that will elim­i­nate any chance of galling and bind­ing. This will erad­i­cate any wet on slides, cams and ejec­tor pins or other areas where metal to metal con­tact occurs. This prod­uct shows out­stand­ing results in tem­per­a­tures rang­ing from –30 to 140′F. Because it is a dry film, it will never induce bleed­ing or contamination.

Pricing is per case (12 cans of product in each case) 

SDS English