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All Purpose Cleaner

All Pur­pose Foam is a rich, high-density foam that will cling to ver­ti­cal sur­faces allow­ing enough time to close and mold over the top along with blow­ing out the vents. This is made espe­cially for del­rin gas build-up. All Pur­pose Foam was for­mu­lated to elim­i­nate costly prob­lems from rust for­ma­tion on the backs of molds, paint soft­en­ing on expen­sive equip­ment, and costly down time caused by gas build-up in vents.

Per­for­mance Characteristics:
  • Removes rust from the backs of molds
  • Removes gas build up in vents from Del­rin and Nylon
  • Cleans gran­ite blocks with­out leav­ing residue
  • Superb machine degreaser
  • Out­stand­ing per­for­mance on ver­ti­cal surfaces
  • Excel­lent for gen­eral cleaning

Pricing is per case (12 cans of product in each case)