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Moisture Guard

DAC-101 Mois­ture Guard is a dis­tinc­tive for­mu­la­tion that was devel­oped to max­i­mize per­for­mance in short and long term mois­ture dis­place­ment and rust pre­ven­tion sit­u­a­tions. We are all well aware of the cost involved by rejected parts due to mark­ing. This is typ­i­cally caused by excess pen­e­tra­tion of prod­uct into ejec­tor pins, cams, and slides. DAC-101 Mois­ture Guard elim­i­nates this prob­lem entirely due to its rapid flash time, pre­vent­ing run­ning or drip­ping and there­fore will not induce any kind of con­t­a­m­i­na­tion due to leech­ing or bleed­ing. A light coat­ing of DAC-101 is all that is needed. Once applied it will remain active for extended peri­ods of time.

Pricing is per case (12 cans of product in each case)